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You Are What You Eat

The phrase, “You are what you eat” is literally true. Nutrients from the foods you eat food provide the foundation of the structure, function, and integrity of every little cell in your body, from your skin and hair to your muscles, bones, digestive and immune systems. You may not feel it, but you’re constantly repairing, healing and rebuilding your body.

Nutritional Therapy

The Heart of Treatment. 


Many people present with a pattern of chaotic eating and a set of unhelpful values and beliefs about food and ‘dieting’. Nutritional interventions work as behaviour therapy to change this.


Patterns of dietary chaos e.g. eating junk food or binging on alcohol all lead to nutritional deficiency in essential fats, protein and insufficient complex carbohydrates. 


This all effects the body by slowing metabolism, gross deficiencies, poor gastric function and hormonal imbalances. This can result in cravings, easy weight gain, tiredness, lethargy, anxiety and depression.


Nutritional rehabilitation restores the balance, reduces cravings, improves mood and health, supports psychological interventions and therapy. We will provide practical guidance, support and motivation towards physiological health and vitality.

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Nutritional Interventions

Personalised Nutrition bases your eating plan on your specific needs - because you are unique, tailored nutrition advice is the cornerstone of health. It gets results.


We offer personalised nutrition and lifestyle coaching.


Personalised nutrition will revolutionise your health and benefit:












Nutrition and Mental Health:

Why is the relationship important?


Feeding the brain with a diet that provides adequate amounts of complex carbohydrates, essential fats, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and water can support healthy neurotransmitter activity.

It can protect the brain from the effects of oxidants, which have been shown negatively to impact mood and mental health.


From a young age, good nutritional intake has been linked to academic success, with a number of studies reporting that providing children with breakfast improves their academic performance. A number of published studies have shown that hungry children behave worse in school, with reports that fighting and absence are lower and attention increases when nutritious meals are provided.



Kids Blowing Bubbles

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


ADHD occurs in approximately 1 in 10 (9.7%) of adults in the UK.42 Rates of ADHD appear to decrease with age with the highest rates of those screening positive for ADHD recorded in those aged 16–24 (14.6%).


Clinical research has reported the benefits of essential fatty acids and minerals such as iron. Deficiencies in iron, magnesium and zinc have been found in children with symptoms of ADHD, and studies have consistently shown significant improvements with supplementation when compared with placebo, either alongside normal medication or as stand-alone treatments.

Starobrat-Hermelin B, Kozielec T: The eff ects of magnesium physiological supplementation on hyperactivity in children with attention defi cit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Positive response to magnesium oral loading test. Magnes Res 1997; 10(2):149-56

Kids Blowing Bubbles
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